
Warning regarding Previous Versions

The package name changed from vue-cli to @vue/cli. If you have the previous vue-cli (1.x or 2.x) package installed globally, you need to uninstall it first with npm uninstall vue-cli -g or yarn global remove vue-cli.

Node Version Requirement

Vue CLI 4.x requires Node.js version 8.9 or above (v10+ recommended). You can manage multiple versions of Node on the same machine with n, nvm or nvm-windows.

To install the new package, use one of the following commands. You need administrator privileges to execute these unless npm was installed on your system through a Node.js version manager (e.g. n or nvm).

npm install -g @vue/cli
# OR
yarn global add @vue/cli

After installation, you will have access to the vue binary in your command line. You can verify that it is properly installed by simply running vue, which should present you with a help message listing all available commands.

You can check you have the right version with this command:

vue --version


To upgrade the global Vue CLI package, you need to run:

npm update -g @vue/cli

# OR
yarn global upgrade --latest @vue/cli

Project Dependencies

Upgrade commands shown above apply to the global Vue CLI installation. To upgrade one or more @vue/cli related packages (including packages starting with @vue/cli-plugin- or vue-cli-plugin-) inside your project, run vue upgrade inside the project directory:

Usage: upgrade [options] [plugin-name]

(experimental) upgrade vue cli service / plugins

  -t, --to <version>    Upgrade <plugin-name> to a version that is not latest
  -f, --from <version>  Skip probing installed plugin, assuming it is upgraded from the designated version
  -r, --registry <url>  Use specified npm registry when installing dependencies
  --all                 Upgrade all plugins
  --next                Also check for alpha / beta / rc versions when upgrading
  -h, --help            output usage information